As beautiful and distinguished as the cornice in your residential or commercial property may well be, there’s also no question that these mouldings can attract a great amount of dust, dirt and cobwebs over time. This may have the effect of dulling and dirtying what should otherwise be one of the most eye-catching and admired features of a property.

However, the cornice cleaning process also raises some very serious questions – including whether you should attempt to clean your cornice at all.

If, for example, you wish to remove existing layers of paint from your cornice to reach the original plasterwork, the cleaning agent or tools used can easily cause physical damage to the underlying material. Indeed, even the most sensitively undertaken removal of softened paint with conservators’ tools can leave cornice surfaces damaged – and then, there’s the question of whether you really want to erase the historical record embodied in the paint layers regardless.

So, what’s the answer if you wish to have your cornice cleaned?

The above very real concerns shouldn’t necessarily completely deter you from seeking out a cornice cleaning specialist or attempting the job yourself; we simply wish to make clear to you the greatness of the risks inherent in trying to clean such delicate and decorative elements of your building.

It’s understandable that you may be anxious to keep your cornice looking immaculate – after all, these mouldings are frequently painted white, so even a modest amount of dirt can be extremely noticeable. It may therefore be well worthwhile for you to regularly – but gently – sponge down the surface of your property’s cornices with lukewarm water and a mild detergent.

But even the removal of undesired paint from your cornice and coving isn’t necessarily an impossible task, provided that you follow an appropriate process. This may include wiping the cornice with a clean, soft, dry rag to clear away any dust or debris that may have accumulated over time, followed by the use of a paint scraper to remove as much of the paint as possible.

In this case, you should be sure to apply gentle pressure, working the paint scraper’s tip beneath the paint and taking care not to damage the underlying material. Paint stripper may then be used to remove the rest of the paint, although you should ensure you choose a paint stripper that will not damage plaster, in addition to applying it on a small area first to check that it works as desired.

We can give you the advice and assistance you need with cornice cleaning

Whatever help you may need in relation to cornice cleaning or restoration at your own domestic or business property, JJ Wilde Cornice can provide the highly specialised and bespoke services that will enable the most stunning results to be achieved.

Contact our London workshop today to learn more about our considerable experience and knowhow in relation to all aspects of cornice cleaning, along with the various other important services that will assist you in greatly enhancing the appearance and condition of your building.